Leadership MENTORING

Leadership Mentoring

 As a business owner, it is easy to spend a lot of your time developing strategies to grow your business. Likewise, days can easily be filled in the “doing’ of running your business or satisfying client needs. It can be difficult to find that balance between planning, doing and managing your business or team.

 If you own your own business, and are reading this, then you should already be proud. We feel almost every business owner is an inspiring person. Starting your own business takes courage, passion and commitment. On top of that, you mostly have to do it all on your own.

 Our passion is to make running a business easier for our valued clients. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a clear direction on which part of your business your time would be most effectively spent? After-all, didn’t you get into business for more time, freedom or money? 

Instead of feeling stuck, or overwhelmed by your business, wouldn’t you prefer to feel in control, knowing that you are heading in a positive direction towards your goals.

At inspire Your Focus, we have a unique set of tools and experience to help you improve the way you think about your business. Once you learn how to sit back and identify where your true strengths and weaknesses as a business owner lie, you can develop clear strategies to balance them.

Everyone goes into business to achieve big results. We can help you reach your goals, sure. But what we can also do, is help you have more time in your life and space in your mind for life, outside of business. All while you achieve the business goals you have set out. It’s about enjoying the journey, rather than waiting to arrive.

We can inspire development in any type of business from a start up small business through to an already established company in any industry. All it takes is an improved way of thinking and approaching tasks.

Helping Business Coaches

The unique tools we have at Inspire Your Focus are also used to help business coaches reach a higher potential.  So many times, businesses may hire a business coach to get them results, yet this can often lead them to burnout because the client just can’t do any more strategies. With this leadership profile, it focuses on how a person needs to lead to be able to implement these strategies. It shows exactly what needs to happen before more strategies are implemented, hence not leading to burnout. Coaches have felt blessed coming across this framework and now pass it down to their clients.

We help successful business coaches identify gaps and patterns in their clients thinking immediately through a profile that gives a blueprint of their client’s thinking.  This allows them to  become even better coaches, as their clients don’t feel overwhelmed.

If you are looking to reach the next height of success as a professional business coach, perhaps it’s time you considered how having your own unique Business Mentor could help. Particularly with the Meta Dynamics Profiling we are able to provide.

Take The Next Step

Call us to learn more about the Leadership Mentoring we can provide. We offer a wide range of services from one off consultations, through to ongoing mentoring roles when required.

You don’t have to be great to start,

but you do have to start to be great!
