
Laser Coaching

Experience the power of Laser Coaching at Inspire Your Focus, where Leanne thrives on assisting individuals facing chaos or crises that demand quick decisions. Harness the passion for propelling forward through challenges with trust at the core.

In the midst of chaos, sometimes all it takes is a new perspective to unveil clarity and allow the pieces to fall into place effortlessly. Elevate your decision-making with precision and purpose—because we find our path to profound breakthroughs in the face of uncertainty.

In the unpredictable journey of life, where chaos can unfold unexpectedly, having someone to confide in becomes invaluable. Life has a way of turning topsy-turvy, and it’s comforting to have a trusted companion like Leanne who can offer a different perspective, unclouded by emotional attachment.

This impartial viewpoint is a steady compass, helping you navigate the complexities with clarity. Creating your future self demands courage, and it’s crucial to consistently make decisions that align with and support this envisioned future. With Leanne in your corner, success becomes more accessible, and each decision becomes a stepping stone toward the flourishing future self you aspire to become.

How Can I Help You

Life’s journey is filled with unexpected twists and moments of self-doubt. Our mission is to guide you through these uncertain times, helping you rediscover clarity, purpose, and direction. At Inspire Your Focus, we empower ambitious individuals to sustain their success by performance coaching. Together, we unlock your inner strength, ignite creativity, regain control, and delve into life's real beauty on a deeper level.

Loving Every Part of Yourself

Inspire Your Focus teaches you to embrace all aspects of your personality, including your strengths and weaknesses, and to develop self-love and self-acceptance.


Life comes in different stages, each with its unique challenges. We'll help you navigate these transitions and redefine yourself beyond secondary roles.


Change is a constant part of life. We will guide you to embrace these uncertainties rather than resist them. This includes learning to adapt and grow through them.

Embracing the Present

Inspire Your Focus empowers you to fully embrace the present, to not just exist but thrive in the moment. Discover the art of finding joy and cultivating gratitude.


Inspire Your Focus supports you in uncovering passions, values, and purpose, guiding you toward a fulfilling and meaningful life beyond the hustle and the noise.


Leanne's approach to coaching is a thoughtful and structured journey tailored to bring out the best in every client. It unfolds in three deliberate stages. In each phase, Leanne's focus is on creating a supportive and dynamic environment that encourages not just growth, but sustainable and meaningful change.


Ready to get results? When you sign up, you're not just getting a coach; you're getting a partner in progress—Leanne. In those initial sessions, we cut through the noise, pinpointing the exact hurdles in your way. No beating around the bush, you will know the patterns holding you back in the first session.
As we dive into this transformative process, expect a no-nonsense approach. Leanne has a talent for telling you how it is and what needs to change for you to receive the results you want, in a compassionate and supportive way.
We're all about sustaining success, rediscovering your inner powerhouse, sparking creativity, seizing control, and getting real about the beauty life has to offer—on your terms. Leanne guides you to get clear about the life you want to create.


Armed with a meticulous assessment, Leanne dives into the mission of uncovering patterns that keep you stuck and bidding farewell to unresourceful beliefs that no longer serve you.
Together, we're not just dealing with challenges; we're taking on the limitations causing discomfort in your life, setting the stage for some serious change. Leanne wields a strategic toolkit to map out your personal and professional terrain. This isn’t about painting a pretty picture; it's about carving a clear, kick-ass path to a better life—one you control.
Crafting the life you deserve goes beyond setting goals; it's about constructing a powerful path to reach them. Leanne merges her expertise with your unique insights, forging a strategy that doesn't just challenge limitations; it obliterates them. Development isn't a concept—it's a tangible, powerhouse process you can witness, experience, and wholeheartedly embrace.


As you set out on the journey towards your goals, Leanne stands by you with unwavering support. She's not just here to guide; she's your go-to for a pep talk and tweaking the plan when life throws a curveball. Support isn't just a sit-back-and-watch thing; it's a roll-up-the-sleeves, ongoing partnership. Leanne's all about keeping you on track, giving you a nudge when needed, and cheering you on as you smash through obstacles on your way to those dreams.


Harnessing your potential

When you embark on a journey with Inspire Your Focus, you can expect a transformative experience tailored uniquely to your needs. Our approach is grounded in genuine understanding, empathy, and expert guidance. 

My approach: Intentional Focus

Intentional Focus is a holistic approach to personal and professional development that emphasises deliberate attention and purposeful action.

This performance coaching model involves mindfulness and awareness to direct one's energy and efforts toward specific goals and desired outcomes.

Intentional Focus encompasses various aspects of life, including emotional well-being, mental clarity, goal setting, and decision making.




Thank you Leanne for your amazing sessions. It is amusing to think that as I stumbled into our first meeting, that like many working mothers - I was running at high speed through a never ending "to do" list.

Through your guidance, you were able to challenge my mindsets and make me understand what my true qualities are. Even though some sessions, were challenging and ended up in a few tears, it was beautiful how you guided me to re-frame my thoughts.

Your sessions helped me realise how we can be too focussed on pleasing others, rather than just being ourselves and trusting our gut.

I now feel much lighter, happier, self-aware and feel the strength to be able to deal with anything that comes my way.

I now feel that I am now in the right place to be able to to give more to my family, be a better person and focus on my own personal business goals.

Thank you for enlightening me....

Deborah Brown, Buderim, QLD

Financial Planner, Wealth 21

I have so much gratitude for the time I have spent with Leanne.
It still amazes me that in one hour Leanne was able to remove beliefs and feelings I had carried for a very long time that were keeping me stifled and unable to experience consistency in my growth, development and even energy levels, which was having a massive impact on my business, my family and on me. I could not maintain enough belief in myself and appreciation for myself to keep the energy levels and motivation to keep going forward in all areas of my life. It was exhausting and I often felt quite sad and heavy.
Since my simple, and very fun 1 hour with Leanne, the heaviness has gone and I am experiencing myself in a stronger, more consistent and confident self. I have more compassion, understanding and forgiveness for myself allowing me to reduce the pressure I put on myself and I have so much more motivation and lightness in my heart which is giving me what I need to keep moving forward consistently regardless of the setbacks or challenges that present themselves.
Leanne has showed me how to value, appreciate and champion myself again and just how truly capable, passionate and fun I am.
Loving life, rocking out in business!

Thanks Leanne

Alyson Hawkins, Tamworth, NSW

Business & Transformational Coach, Ignite Your Life Coaching

Get in touch

Sending us an email is more than a message; it’s unlocking the door to transformation, growth, and renewed clarity. Whether you’re seeking guidance or to just stay connected, reach out and initiate your journey with Inspire Your Focus today.
Your path to a brighter tomorrow starts with that courageous first step today.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Reach out to us now!

Call us and let's get started on crafting your brighter tomorrow.

We offer in-person and group sessions on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, and online globally.

Sunshine Coast, Queensland